Restorers of Hope

Restorers of Hope

by Amy L. Sherman


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Speaking Engagement


Thank you for your inquiry into Dr. Amy Sherman’s availability to speak at your gathering. It is an honor that you are entrusting Amy with this request and we do not take it for granted. Given Amy’s other writing and speaking responsibilities, her work with the International Justice Mission, and her physical limitations (Amy has chronic nerve pain from a serious car accident many years ago), a Speaker’s Committee has been established to review Amy’s invitations and help her decide the most strategic uses of her time. Please put your invitation in writing and answer the following questions (you can complete and email this form back to us at info@centeronfic.org.

Contact Information

Your Full Name:




Address 2:



Zip Code:





Event Information

Who will sponsor the event?

What is the vision and purpose of the event?

What are the precise dates?

Where is the location of the event?  What airport will Amy fly into?  What is the travel time from the airport ot the event location?

What will be the precise event schedule (times that you wish Amy to speak, length of each talk?)

Who will the audience be, and how many attendees do you anticipate?

Will you be covering all of Amy's travel expenses?  (Please note that a a general rule, and assistant travels with Amy to help her with physical logistics and to be available for her health care as needed.)

What is the honorarium?

Will there be an opportunity for the Center on Faith in Communities to set up a book table dsplay and make Amy's materials available to attendees?


Thank you for providing this information.  It will be a great help as the Speaker's Committe prayerfully considers your invitation.

Yours sincerely,

Cary Brege
Executive Assistant


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